Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday Snapshot

I'm sitting here on the early fringe of Tuesday...

about to bust.

The days are few between me and my England now.

Only three more sleeps until I fly high over land and water to answer a along distance call.

I'm thrilled to go - but at the same time gripped by leaving my littles for longer than a week.

I am a Mama of the nest.

I've shared before that I don't leave the walls I inhabit much.

Me and these little birdies I raise are tucked into this small rent house together for the vast majority of our waking hours. I'm very much used to having three blond birds nestled under my wing.

But now these wings are spreading to full fruition and taking flight for a bit...

and it feels funny.

Lord, ease the anxiety here please. Yes. Get me back to my assignments safely. Amen.

The orange of the rising sun is filling the eastern sky this morning.

More and more of the hue touching blue...

In just minutes the hot fireball that lights our days will make it's entrance once more.

It's mind blowing if you really think about it.

Let us do that today, maybe?

Stop to pause and ponder the existence of life, the order that's found, the miracle of it all?

I have more of a tendency to stare at the ugly and twisted and evil myself. It's there too I am well aware.

But not all things have been tainted completely. There is still beauty and goodness - and I need to behold it more.

The sun has peaked up over the horizon now. It's found a place to settle and shine - on the leaves of palms out back.

The husband has his morning workout underway. I could use a dose of his self-discipline.

The laundry basket in the bathroom is overflowing and needs a good emptying. Crazy how quickly it fills.

There is a race car track resting next to the couch.

And books happily littering the living room.

And folders and papers and lists galore lining my table and bar.

We have piano this morning, and school lessons to complete, and dishes to load and reload, and a flag football game to compete in tonight, and bags to pack.

Ah, bags to pack!

The blonds are waking, but playing in their shared space.They are allowed to charge the gate in thirty minutes.

Get the post published Mama. 

May your Tuesday be filled with faith, revelation, and a new noticing of what's good.

Hugs all around.